

Change That Actually Makes A Change.

Victory Mission

A phenomenal organization located right here in Springfield that primarily focuses on ministering to and helping both the recently incarcerated and people who are currently without a home. They provide housing, both emergency and transitional, assistance in getting work, a mobile food pantry, discipleship to help people get back on their feet. And so much more!

The Justice Reform

Based in Fort Worth, Texas but making an impact globally. Because human trafficking is a global issue. 100 years from now this organization will be all over history books of how they helped rescue and recover victims. But they don’t stop there, The Justice Reform equips and restores people to live a victorious life full of hope and a joyful futre!

Cherish Kids

They bring hope to foster children and orphaned children. It’s no question in anybody’s mind that the current systems in place aren’t good and need improvement. Thats what I love about Cherish Kids. They don’t just recognize it but aim to make a difference about it. They are changing the lives of children!

It is our hope that you would consider partnering with these organizations as well.

Beyond just hiring us to detail your vehicle. But also in directly donating or figuring out how you can be a part of what they’re doing.

Simply click on their logo above to go to their webpage.